PractiScore Android app 1.5.23

PractiScore app for Android (1.5.23) is released and available for download from PractiScore web site. It is also posted to Google Play and Amazon app stores and will be available there once approved.

This release several fixes reported by our users as well as by automatic crash reporting system. It also adds Bluetooth link for RangeTech Shot Timer in addition to AMG Lab timer support added previously. Please check our notes on using Bluetooth timer link with PractiScore app for Android. We encourage all users of these timers to give it a try and send us feedback at [email protected]

Our contributors provided translations for French, German, Russian, Spanish, Slovak, Polish, Finnish and Norwegian app localisations. We still need help to finish Italian language and if you would like PractiScore to speak your language, please register and help translate.

Here is the change log for this release:

1.5.23 (October 28, 2018)

  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Added support for Bluetooth link for RangeTech shot timer
  • Added setting for Bluetooth shot timer sensitivity
  • Added history of received time strings on a long tap on the time label