Removed Cloud Sync due to Privacy Concerns

We recently, and quickly, removed the Cloud Sync feature from Practiscore at the request of several clubs that were concerned that registration data was exposed.  In at least one case this data was used in violation of a restraining order, so we felt it was fairly urgent to remove it quickly.

We know it is a popular feature. It will be returning, and very soon. However, we also feel that the scoring app should be limited to scoring and that the potential for edited scores to leak in to live scoring, or potentially publish an alternate online version of the match, is not good practice. So, Cloud Synch will be available, but only password protected, and used to update scoring tablets and devices.

Synching for competitor review and analysis will be available in a new app we are releasing very soon called “PractiScore:Competitor”.  This app will:

  • notify you of new score, or scores, for you and shooters you are monitoring
  • not send any private data to the device (so even jailbroken devices can’t get access to it)
  • permit you to “what if” scores, by building scenarios where you are actually good at this or have equipment that works, but that can never leak into regular scoring devices
  • share your scores, leaderboard, and results with social media or email
  • give you complete and detailed results
  • It will synch from the cloud automatically, or you can synch FROM match scoring tablets but never back into the scoring app.
  • Some basic stage analysis  (such as 2 seconds slower would equal not shooting those Deltas, Alpha %,  Comparisons to stage winner)
  • Ultimately, although not in the first release, it will let you take videos and attach them to stages for online publishing with the stage results on, with integrated scores in a wrapper around the video.

This app will be a paid app,  a small amount (not set yet) to cover cloud storage and some of the costs of doing PractiScore.

The online results are also being upgraded to provide similar features for those who do not own an Android or iPhone, or that don’t wish to buy the app.


Ken Nelson
