Version 1.674 (May 9, 2016)

You can still give your devices names on the local network. It is found under the “Import/Export” menu. This is really just the old “Sync” menu. A new “Sync Devices” option was added for secured matches. The “Import/Export” menu is locked, but “Sync Devices” is not secured.
Moved the USPSA and IDPA paper target points entry to the main score screens.
Removed “New Default Match” from the top of the match chooser list. The preferred match creation method is from templates. The “New Match” button does this. You can still make a match without the templates, the old way, using the button at the bottom of the match list.
Added a USPSA Multi-gun template for match creation. This is a Time Plus Points Match type with the rule set from this year’s Nationals in Vegas.
Added webfile generation for USPSA MG results upload.
When downloading to a new match from the PIN, penalties and bonuses are now loaded from the appropriate template instead of history cache.
Added ISSA match type. It is a steel challenge variant.
Fixed a bug where ICORE steel NS counted double.
Added a squad report to the Match Progress Detail report. Tap in any squad for a detailed breakdown. Currently only names and times are displayed.
Activity and Results submission UIs now set the match club code and name when added.
Added a longer timeout to PIN download.
The Leaderboard now has an image picker for the logo image and for the slideshow images. The leaderboard now separates divisions for overall and stage results.
Team Maximum Team Results ‘0’ means all team scores are used.
Restructured the way score entry/approval occurs.
The history view will show for any score that is “ready”.
The history view now shows “Back” instead of “Approve”.
The Edit Score button now offers options to “Edit” and “Clear and Edit”.
From the score entry screen the “Review” button now shows a review screen with just the current score.
Review has a “Back” and “Approve” button.
Fix for leaderboard projected results to show percent of possible.
Fixed header labels on team report.
Some fixes for PRS results sorting and display.
Added a warning when a DNF overwrites a complete score.
Added team scoring to all match types.
Added sort by team to the shooter list.
Member numbers are now partially validated on import.
All symbols and spaces are removed.
Letters are capitalized.
Added posting of scores for review only as an option. No rankings or overall scores are shown.
The shooter options section hides when the search bar is active in the shooters/squads menu.
Fixed the “Add Classifier” button on iOS 5.
Stages are now only marked as deleted in scoring mode. In creation mode stages are fully deleted.
