PractiScore app for Android 1.6.41

PractiScore app for Android (1.6.41) is released and will be available for download from PractiScore web site shortly. It is also posted to Google Play and Amazon app stores and will be available there once approved.

This release fixes issues reported by users and by automated crash reporting system. Please update and let us know of any issues at [email protected]

By some demand this release also adds an option to specify password for editing scores. When editing password is set, it has to be entered for any edits for saved scores, including corrections, reshoots and reassigning to another shooter or stage. Use this feature only if you really have to.

Additionally, there is new support for IPSC Action Air Smart Stop Plate. It works the same as other supported Bluetooth timers.

Our contributors provided translations for German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Slovak, Polish, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch and Mongolian app localization. We still need help to finish French and Italian languages and if you would like PractiScore to speak your language, please register and help translate.

Here is the change log for this release:


  • Fixed issues reported by automated crash reporting system
  • Added option to set password on editing scores in addition to secure match password
  • Added experimental support for IPSC Action Air Smart Stop Plate
  • IPSC/USPSA fixed issue with entering NS on steel targets